Monday, August 27, 2012

A'Rambling I Shall Go

This week, I'm headed off to the US for a six week blitz tour. Looking forward to seeing friends, old and new, and getting some more writing work in.

And reading, of course! I have so, so many books to read. I always find more interesting ones when I dig. So much to read, so little time. :) My Goodreads Book challenge was 50 books this year. I think I'm going to double that number at this rate.

Maybe. We shall see!


Jeannette said...

In the U.S. are you? Maybe that was you I saw walking down the road?
Have a great trip...I'm going to visit you now by poking around your blog. I trust you won't mind if I just let myself in and drink my tea as I read?

M. Dunham said...

I'm back in the US for now, yes, although I'm afraid I'm a fair way from California. :)

Poke away! I hope you enjoy. ^^